General Maintenance

Winter grass
General Maintenance

Winter Grass (Poa Annua)

“One year of seeds brings seven years of weeds!” – This could not be any truer than when it comes to the fight against Winter Grass in your turf.

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Iron for lawns

The Benefits of Iron for Your Lawn

Are you looking for a way to help extend your lawn’s colouring throughout the cooler months? Well, iron might be your answer! The main benefit of using iron is to help improve the colour of your lawn, especially when lawns are entering dormancy.

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Dethatch lawn
General Maintenance

Dethatching Your Lawn

Dethatching will help to remove this layer so that air and nutrients are able to reach your soil base and can more effectively feed your lawn.

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General Maintenance

The Height of Your Lawn

Finding the Perfect Length for Your Lawn When it comes to your lawn, height does matter. Top Mowing tips  Mow at the right height for

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