Sir Walter Buffalo vs. Sir Grange Zoysia Turf

Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo & Sir Grange Zoysia are both great turf varieties, but which is the superior choice for your yard? These two premium turf varieties are favourites amongst both homeowners and professionals for their outstanding characteristics but its important to know where they differ so you’re able to make an informed decision that benefits your yard.

We’ll take an in depth look at differences, strengthens and weaknesses of Sir Grange vs Sir Walter so you can choose the best option for you and your area.

We’ll compare the top qualities that are important when making the right choice for a new lawn:

  • Shade Tolerance
  • Drought Resistance
  • Wear Tolerance
  • Maintenance Required
  • Leaf Appearance
  • Cost

Sir Walter vs Sir Grange

Shade Tolerance

A common concern for future lawn owners is the presence of shade. Many people think that with a heavily shaded yard they cannot host a lush, vibrant lawn. But that’s not the case! Understanding the shade tolerance of various turf varieties is crucial in selecting a grass variety that can thrive even in the shadiest corners of your garden.

Sir Grange

Sir Grange Zoysia performs well when it comes to shade tolerance. Once it establishes, this fine-bladed turf variety requires minimal direct sunlight to thrive, making it a perfect option for areas with little sun. Its ability to flourish in partially shaded spots makes it an ideal choice for homeowners seeking a lush lawn, even in areas that lack full-sun exposure. Sir Grange Zoysia requires a minimum of 2-3 hours of direct sunlight per day, once established. It also performs well in full sun situations, boasting great versatility.

Sir Walter

Sir Walter DNA Certified is the best Buffalo grass amongst the other Buffalo varieties, particularly when it comes to embracing shade. This Buffalo grass variety thrives in shady areas with as little as 3 hours of sunlight per day. With its broad leaves that effectively photosynthesise even in less sunny spots, Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo does well in areas where other grass varieties might struggle to maintain a lush green appearance.

Winner: Looking at shade tolerance alone, Sir Grange Zoysia is the winner. But it’s important to always consider the other qualities a turf variety offers, alongside your individual situation before choosing your new lawn!

Family lawn

Drought Resistance

Australian summers, when in full force, are renowned for being brutal, often with prolonged periods without rainfall, sometimes even leading to a drought. That is one of the reasons why we grow & sell warm-season turf varieties that have been tried & tested to not only withstand the harsh Australian climate, but thrive in it, all thanks to their outstanding drought resistant qualities.

Sir Grange

When it comes to resistance to drought, Sir Grange Zoysia is a leader of the pack. Over time, this particular type of turf has refined its innate ability to withstand low water circumstances. Installing Sir Grange is a dependable option in the long run because of its outstanding adaptability to different climates. There is nothing quite like Sir Grange’s ability to thrive in the scorching heat and unrelenting dryness. All this to say that once established, Sir Grange will not struggle to hold a vibrant, lush green appearance with little water, even during summer.

Sir Walter

Another versatile type of grass is Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo. It exhibits strong resistance to extremely hot and low temperatures. It’s a reliable choice for people living in places with harsh weather patterns because it can withstand anything from freezing temperatures to intense heat waves. Similarly to Sir Grange, once established Sir Walter Buffalo will retain a great, green colour with very little water during times of extreme heat.

This not to say that you should never water your Sir Walter or Sir Grange lawn in summer. Like all established warm-season turfgrasses during summer, Sir Walter Buffalo & Sir Grange will benefit from a good drink every now & then – as signs show. We say you lawn will talk to you! But with their exceptional drought resistance, this is as infrequent as possible as far as turf varieties go.

Note: Remember, that water requirements & drought resistance during the establishment period for turf are a special type of circumstances. All newly laid lawns will require at least 2-3 daily water applications (weather & time of year dependent) until their roots firmly take to the soil. As the depth & density of a turf root system progresses (as the lawn matures), as does its drought resistance.

Please refer to our Watering Guide for tips on how to water a lawn both during & post establishment.

Winner: Sir Grange Zoysia

Sir Walter front lawn

Wear Tolerance

A good wear tolerance is vital in ensuring your lawn stays green, healthy & inviting even when subject to heavy foot traffic.

Sir Grange

Sir Grange shows itself to be a resilient contender when it comes to wear tolerance, easily withstanding high foot traffic and vigorous use. Because Sir Grange can handle a lot of direct wear, it’s a great option for commercial settings, golf courses, or upscale residences that host outdoor gatherings. But because of its slow growth, any deep damage may take longer to recover than with Sir Walter Buffalo. Moreover, Sir Grange, due to its slow growing nature, will require you stay off the area for a much longer period during its establishment, when compared to Sir Walter Buffalo. In peak growing season, Sir Grange can take up to 18 weeks to establish.

Sir Walter

In peak growing season, Sir Walter Buffalo is established and prepared for use after 3-4 weeks (this will vary depending on weather conditions). It is equally accomplished in handling the demands of daily family life with ease. Whether you enjoy a BBQ in your backyard or it’s often the area for a game of footy, Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo grass can withstand heavy foot traffic with grace and has remarkable self-repairing qualities. The joy of your backyard will be enhanced by Sir Walter Buffalo’s thick, soft leaves, which will retain their vibrant, green appearance throughout all your outdoor activities.

Winner: Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo

Sir Walter Buffalo

Maintenance Required

Keeping your lawn well-groomed is crucial to making your space feel natural and inviting.

Sir Grange

Once established, Sir Grange is a winner for those looking for a flawless low-maintenance design. For this reason, it is utilised in a lot of upscale locations across Australia, such as Teven Valley Golf Course, Killara Golf Course, and Indooroopilly Golf Course. Sir Grange looks incredible at a varied range of heights, boasting a beautiful fine, dark leaf both when mown short and left completely unmown. You can keep Sir Grange anywhere between 10 – 50mm in height. If you wish to maintain Sir Grange a lower height consistently, you are only required to mow it every 3-4 weeks during the growing season (this can vary depending on weather conditions).

However, there are some disadvantages to this turf variety’s extremely slow growth. Yes, it’s a favourite among people who want a lush lawn without the trouble of such frequent upkeep during spring and summer as it requires less frequent mowing and low nutrient (fertiliser & water) input. But, with its long establishment period, for most regions we only suggest laying Sir Grange during the warmer months of the year (September – February) when the turf growth rate is at its highest, to ensure an optimal and successful establishment & performance. Sir Grange must be cared for regularly during he establishment period so in a general sense, we recommend that Sir Grange is installed by experienced professionals or those who are dedicated and equiped for the task in ensuring it establishes fully.

Sir Walter

When it comes to easy lawn maintenance, Sir Walter Buffalo offers several benefits and is a lot more forgiving to lay & establish. Its tight-knit growth habit reduces the need for weeding because it naturally chocks them out, keeping weeds at bay. In addition to being relatively hardy, Sir Walter Buffalo guarantees that homeowners can take pleasure in a rich coloured and striking lawn with minimal maintenance. You can keep Sir Walter Buffalo anywhere between 20 – 40mm in height. In growing season, Sir Walter Buffalo will require a mow every 10 days-2 weeks (this can vary depending on weather conditions).

Winner: Sir Grange Zoysia, once established.


Leaf Appearance

The leaf type of a turf variety can play a large role when choosing a new lawn. The thickness of the turf blade will determine the aesthetic of your lawn and ultimately, is what you look at every single say, so its important to make sure you love it!

Sir Grange

Sir Grange Zoysia offer an exceptional appearance with its soft, fine-leaf blade, which creates a refined and well-groomed appearance. Its stunning dark green colour adds to its elegance and makes it a popular option for people who want their yard haven to have a luxurious, well-maintained appearance.

TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda is another high-performing, fine-leaf grass and is a great alternative if you want that elegant look but aren’t ready for the time and cost of installing Sir Grange.

Sir Walter

Sir Walter Buffalo, on the other hand, has a broad, soft leaf that gives the lawn a thick and lush texture, making the landscape inviting and lively, and an ideal fit for families with kids and pets.

Both turf varieties have distinctive characteristics that allow homeowners to personalise the look of their lawn to suit their preferences. While some prefer the thick look acquired by Sir Walter Buffalo, others prefer the elegant look of Sir Grange Zoysia or TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda.

Winner: It’s personally preference!


Budget will play a large role when its comes to choosing a turf variety, so it’s an important topic to address.

Sir Grange

Being a premium grass variety, Sir Grange Zoysia comes a higher price point not only when compared to Sir Walter Buffalo, but in contrast to all our turf varieties. This is partly due to its slow-growing nature and exceptional qualities, leading to supply and demand market dynamics.

This gorgeous, fine-leaf turf variety is not only exceptionally good looking, but it also performs very well under many circumstances. However, keep in mind that this variety will require skilled installation and upkeep when during establishment, so you should factor that expense into your calculations. The long-term advantages and aesthetic appeal of Sir Grange make up for the initial expense and hassle, particularly for people who value a well-groomed, low-maintenance lawn in the long run.

Sir Walter

Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo provides a reasonably priced alternative. Due to its affordability & versatility, it is a well-liked option for homeowners looking to create a durable and attractive lawn without going over budget. For families wishing to create a vibrant outdoor place that remains over time, Sir Walter is a great, cost-effective option due to its lush and green texture and flexibility in a variety of situations.

Winner: Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo

The Overall Winner

It’s individual! Both grasses are great options offering fantastic qualities, but it depends on your situation. Before choosing, make sure you have a good understanding of your yard and plans for use, taking into consideration now and the future.

Sir Walter

Choosing The Perfect Fit For You!

Both Sir Grange Zoysia and Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo demonstrate their value as top competitors in this debate. Your environment & particular needs, as well as your personal aesthetic & budget will all play a role in your decision.

If you’re ready to take on the initial work, Sir Grange Zoysia is your best option if you’re seeking a gorgeous fine-bladed premium turf with exceptional drought resistance and shade tolerance. Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo is a great choice if you’re searching for a low-allergenic, sun- and shade-loving, hardy yet soft grass that doesn’t cost as much.

Explore the qualities and benefits of both Sir Grange and Sir Walter Buffalo further here. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Shop Our Turf Varieties.

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Grass Varieties

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