The Best Time of Year to Lay Turf

It’s a common myth within some landscaping industries that turf shouldn’t be laid during winter. But with the right conditions, preparation, and aftercare regime, turf installation can happen at any time of the year. Although, it’s important to remember that the warmer months of the year during spring, summer and early autumn are the optimal times to lay a new lawn for the best and quickest results.

Laying turf

Laying turf in winter

Australia experiences warm, pleasant weather for the majority of the year, however, the winter months are rather chilly and frosty in some areas. For this reason, it’s recommended to postpone laying some turf varieties in certain regions that have exceptionally harsh winters. Areas such as the Southern Highlands of NSW, Goulburn, and the ACT. Still, there are some advantages to laying turf in winter in areas with milder winters, like northern Australia. These advantages include the fact that less irrigation is needed, you don’t have to wait for warmer weather, and your lawn will be fully established by summer.

At Turfco we implement farm measures such as ColourGuard Plus applications to ensure our supply during winter is top quality.

Laying turf in summer

Zoysia Australis

Even though summer can get quite hot in some parts of Australia, it’s still a reasonably good time to install turf. The prolonged sunshine can encourage the turf to grow fairly rapidly. However, to make sure the roots stay moist, remember to water the lawn every day during weaker sun hours, such as the early morning and late afternoon. Otherwise, the turf will eventually die due to the roots drying out quickly.

Laying turf in autumn

Autumn can be a great time to lay turf if you do so in the earlier months before winter. This process allows you to ensure your turf is growing well and has a deep root system before the cooler weather arrives. When the soil is at the right temperature and there is plenty of rain, autumn offers the perfect conditions for growing turf.


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Laying turf in spring

Spring is widely considered to be the best time of the year to lay turf. This is due to the fact that new shoots and lush foliage grow in these months. Your turf will quickly develop a deep root system as a result, and it will flourish all summer long. In addition, the temperatures are steadily rising, and there’s still a chance for some decent amounts of rain, which will help your grass flourish.

lay turf

How can I guarantee the best results?

Only install Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo or TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda for the best results in full-sun environments during autumn and winter. For best results in wet, shaded or high-traffic areas, only install turf during the warmer months of the year; between September and April.

How do I care for my new lawn?

Water your newly installed lawn within 30 minutes of laying the grass and continue watering twice daily until it’s firmly rooted. During warmer months, you may need to water 2-3 times a day for the first 1-3 weeks to ensure your turf doesn’t dry out while establishing in its new environment. Once your turf has established, provide it with deep, infrequent watering as necessary. It’s best to fertilise your new turf about six weeks after installation.

Sir Walter DNA Certified TURF

Australia’s #1 Buffalo and premium turf variety, Sir Walter DNA Certified is the most versatile grass on the market. It thrives in the heat of Australia’s warm and sunny climates, but unlike most other summer active grasses, still performs well in cool climates and shady areas.

It’s tough and durable, weed and pest resistant. It can survive and thrive in full sun or shade, drought, frost or extreme heat. It’s also very easy to maintain as you won’t need to spend as much time watering, fertilising or weeding as you do with other varieties.

It’s ideal for residential yards with children or dogs, or if you’re looking for a low maintenance feature lawn around garden beds, courtyards or pools.

Sir Walter Buffalo

Will Sir Walter DNA Certified grass thrive in shady areas?

Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo lawn is made for shade. Its versatility allows it to perform well in full sun and lightly shaded areas, requiring just 2-3 hours of sun per day to thrive. It has incredible shade tolerance, as its wide leaf enables it to catch more sunlight in a shorter space of time than other varieties. If the area you are planning to install your new lawn in doesn’t get much sun, this is the turf for you.

For further guidance, browse our turf varieties to find your perfect lawn match.

For more tips, check out our lawn care blogs.

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TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda
Grass Varieties

TifTuf Vs New Breeds | Why TifTuf Is The Superior Couch Grass

New breeds of grasses like TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda, have prompted a rise to a wave of aspiring grasses wanting to be just like TifTuf. It’s a remarkable grass, with a level of hype that has been rarely seen in the Australian turf industry, except for the likes of Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo. What TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda has that those other grasses do not, is data and lots of it.

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